Offseason Update: Galaxy Engage In Online Dance Battle

The Washington Galaxy decided to keep their offseason activities virtual, by taking over the Tik Tok app. Tik Tok is a social media platform that consists of short videos. It is often very trend-based, whether that means a new dance, a fun new food hack, or a drawing challenge. The players decided to use the app to create a little competition.

The rules were simple: create a brand new Tik Tok account and try to be the player with the most followers by the end of the summer. The players not allowed to promote said account via other social media and could only gain followers by posting videos; this rule was designed to level the playing field for some of the lesser-known players.

Jefferson McNeely

Each player ended up taking their own approach to their video styles. For example, RW Jefferson McNeely took advantage of his wife’s and daughter’s internet fame by making his Tik Toks centered around his family. His daughter Michelle was ecstatic to be able  to be involved with the fans again, and his wife Jillian was happy to return to the spotlight after gaining an impressive Twitter following of her own last season.

C Harvey Bellmore decided to take on as many trends as possible during the offseason. His exploits included learning to Renegade, lip-syncing to the best songs of the early 2000s, and pranking his family. In contrast, LW Alan Youngman kept his videos strictly hockey-themed, with lots of tutorials of how to do various trick shots. 

Ds Ambroz Melicar and Buster Kratz decided to bust some moves by mastering every Tik Tok dance they could find, with their friends and family often starring in the video as well. They danced to Cannibal, Old Town Road, Renegade, Number One Baby, and The Box, among many others. 

Melicar called the contest “a chance for some friendly competition where I could finally show off my true talent: dancing.” He said this while dancing to Don’t Start Now.

In the end, every player posted at least once. To no one’s surprise, McNeely came in first place with the help from his family. He amassed over 400,000 followers, leaving most of his teammates in the dust. 

When asked about his win on Twitter, McNeely replied: “it’s really a win for my wife and daughter (shrug emoji) (blue heart emoji)”

Harvey Bellmore

Although most of the other Galaxy players took McNeely’s victory in stride, Bellmore argued vigorously that the star winger should have been disqualified.

“When you bring in ringers like that, it really ruins the purity of this beautiful competition,” said Bellmore.

“First of all, his family is way better looking than mine, which is an unfair advantage.  His wife is a model and his daughter is dangerously adorable, whereas my family is kind of pale and lumpy.  Also, his wife and daughter are already Internet stars.

“The game was rigged!  Jeff and I should settle this like men.  When we get to training camp, it’s me and him, doing a Renegade-off at ten paces. Let’s do this!”